In addition to providing funding to external investigators, the Mid-Atlantic Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species (MAPAIS) occasionally leads or supports workshops, conferences and other Panel projects. Details on the most recent MAPAIS project are below. MAPAIS welcomes new ideas and suggestions for projects and initiatives.
2009 Aquatic Invasive Species in the Mid-Atlantic Vector Workshop
In partnership with Maryland Sea Grant, MAPAIS sponsored a workshop that examined the vectors aquatic invasive species could use in the Mid-Atlantic region. This workshop was held in Baltimore, MD on December 2, 2009. It drew experts from across the region and beyond to detail specific research, management, and education and outreach actions for major AIS vectors in the Mid-Atlantic. Additional information about the workshop can be found in the final report, Preventing Aquatic Species Invasions in the Mid-Atlantic: Outcome-Based Actions in Vector Management.
Rapid Response Plan For Aquatic Invasive Species
With Maryland Sea Grant, we created a rapid response plan for agencies and jurisdictions in the Mid-Atlantic region. The plan offers guidelines for how they can respond quickly and effectively to an intentional or unintentional aquatic invasive species introduction. These guidelines are described in the Rapid Response Plan for Aquatic Invasive Species: A Maryland Example. One of its features is a “decision tree,” which offers decision makers a three-step process for deciding whether to take action on aquatic invasive species. States in the Mid-Atlantic region and beyond can use this rapid response plan as a tool for developing their own versions. A template version of the plan allows agencies to tailor it to address their specific needs.
Photo: Water Chestnut on Maryland’s Sassafras River Credit: Chesapeake Bay Program