Some of the Mid-Atlantic Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species’ participant states have created management plans and programs for invasive species. These plans have been developed at different times and are customized to address each state’s needs. For further information about a state plan, contact your state representative. Information regarding the Chesapeake Bay area’s efforts on specific invasive species can be found on the Resources page.

Maryland Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plan
Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Invasive Species Matrix Team
New Jersey
New York

New York Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan
July 2015
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan
October 2006
Pennsylvania Invasive Species Council
West Virginia

West Virginia Invasive Species Strategic Plan and Voluntary Guidelines
WV DNR, Wildlife Resources Section; Potomac Highlands Cooperative Weed & Pest Management Area; WV Invasive Species Working Group